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Our Survey Said…

Alumni opinions about ways to stay involved with UVA

Earlier this year, a random sample of alumni were invited to participate in an email survey about their feelings toward the University of Virginia. Of the 9,699 invited to participate, 2,431 alumni completed the survey.

Ways to Stay Involved

When asked about six of the available ways to stay involved with UVA, at least two-thirds of alumni expressed interest in every one of them. Choices included news from Grounds; faculty talks or events with an intellectual or cultural focus; socializing with other alumni; job and career services; volunteering for UVA; and attending events organized around UVA sports.


Can You Rate Us?

Alumni were asked if they have enough awareness of each of the six ways to be able to rate them. At the high end, 84 percent of alumni felt they had enough information to rate the job the University is doing providing news from Grounds. For the other areas, awareness dropped off significantly.


How Are We Doing?

Among alumni with an opinion, 72 percent rated UVA excellent or good overall in serving their needs and interests, but only 11 percent rated the University’s efforts excellent overall.


Going Online

The digital resources that alumni said they would be most likely to use are lifetime learning and career resources. Half of alumni were aware that UVA already offers online job and career networking resources, but only about a tenth knew about other available resources.


Digital Resources

For more information about the programs listed above, please visit